Artemis Fowl: Slaves of the Republic
Five years after the Empire fell, a power struggle had taken place on Tatooine and the surrounding planets of the Outer Rim, vying to take over the displaced soldiers of the former Empire. General MacIntosh, leader of the Outer Rim Republic, takes in any that opposes them and brings them into slave labours.
One of them, Artemis Cook, named after the legendary Artemis Fowl, lives on Oovo IV as a slave to the Republic. She breaks out of her prison cell and takes off in one of their ships, and lands on Aquilaris, where she is able to get in touch with Will and Ant, identical twins who are both leaders of the New Resistance. The New Resistance attacks Aquilaris, resulting in the destruction of the Republic's base there. Will and Ant rescue Artemis from the base, though Artemis ends up bailing them out using force powers to send stormtroopers flying away. General MacIntosh suspects that Artemis may be a lost Jedi, thought to have been extinct from the purges of the former Empire.
Meanwhile, Artemis, Will and Ant all go back to their main base over at Tatooine, near the former base of the Empire in the Oasis. There, they meet Thorr, a blind sage who proclaims to know of The Force and of its existance. Also, they meet Hunter, a dwarf and Thorr's guide, who doesn't believe in The Force. Thorr, despite not being able to see, feels a prescense around Artemis and after a discussion, Thorr brings Artemis towards a cave that ends up being a sanctuary to the Jedi. There, Artemis acknowledges that she has Force powers, and Thorr says that Artemis is the "chosen one" to lead the Outer Rim out of darkness, but after coming out, Will and Ant tell them that the Republic was coming down on Tatooine in search of natural resources. Not wanting to get caught, the group flees, only to see the planet destroyed by General MacIntosh's army.
Enraged, the group find their way to Ando Prime, a cold planet where there is no intrinsic value to the Republic. Artemis is depressed that she couldn't find a way to bring out the Force until Artemis Fowl himself shows up as a Force Ghost and tells Artemis Cook that she can use the Force right now to defeat the stormtroopers. A lightsaber then appears and Artemis Cook takes it, where she uses it to dispatch the troops. Hunter then fully believes in the Force and apologizes to Thorr for not believing in him. However, the group ends up getting captured and brought onto the base, though the troops let Artemis keep the lightsaber, not knowing what it is.
After being interrogated by Lieutenant Holm, Artemis manages to take hold of her lightsaber and kills Holm, then escapes from her prison cell. Will and Ant force their way into the base, sending in the cold climate of Ando Prime inside. Thorr and Hunter also battle with the Stormtroopers as well. Artemis tries to find her way out, but as the base is going into ruins, Artemis runs into General MacIntosh, who ends up being a force user himself. Their lightsaber battle ends in a draw, but MacIntosh ends up escaping as the base starts to crumble. Artemis meets up with the rescue team and ends up defeating a bunch of stormtroopers to help them all escape, just as the base explodes in a blaze. While the whole group is safe, Artemis tells the group of MacIntosh's force powers, and vows to defeat him, so that he doesn't end up taking over the whole galaxy.